January 4, 2012

Finally home

**You can read part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE**

So a couple of months went by, then things kind of **magically** began to fell in place.

None of my sisters were going to use the house anymore, and my dad was going to sell the old house. At the same house, we were determined to get a new house, we went to see some, but it just wasn’t possible.
Sometime, something just clicked and before you know it, I was asking my dad if he could sell the house to us. It took some convincing to the hubs, and some more to my dad, but finally he agreed.

So we’re back!!!

We moved in Dec 1, 2011. I managed and supervised the whole moving myself, because the hubs was very very busy and if I waited for him I don’t know where we could have done it, and I was in a hurry. So I practically moved us in a weekend. The whole house, furniture and 3 girls, 2 dogs and the million cats (they’re 8 –you read that right- 8 cats. that’s another story)
We have been here one whole month now, and it has been magnificent. Of course, we are not completely settled in, the living room was without seats because we had them carpeted and they delivered almost until Christmas week. I didn’t put my tree and decorations up until that day (normally I like to put them Nov 20th). I still don’t have a table, and we just got the seats.

But it’s home, you know?

It’s one of the best feelings of the world, and I’m still getting used to the idea that yes, I live here. Like new, but familiar and cozy. Like different, but the same. I love it!

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